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College of Civil Engineering of Taiyuan University of Technology went to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Naval Architectural, Ocean and Civil Engineering for exchange and study

Date of issue :2021-10-17   Hits:

On the afternoon of October 16, 2021, Dean Dong Xiaoqiang, Deputy Secretary Lu Qian and a group of 7 people went to the school of Naval Architectural, Ocean and Civil Engineering of Shanghai Jiaotong University for exchange and study. Dean Liao Shijun, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee Song Xingming and Director of Department of Civil Engineering Chen Jinjian of School of Shipbuilding and Construction attended the seminar, which was hosted by Song Xingming.

First of all, Liao Shijun expressed a warm welcome to our team's visit and exchange, and the two deans briefly introduced the situation of their respective colleges, and both sides watched the promotional video of Shipbuilding College together.

After that, both sides had an extensive and in-depth exchange on the aspects of their respective concerns. Dong Xiaoqiang said that Shanghai Jiaotong University has remarkable features in civil engineering professional construction, successful experience in talent cultivation, scientific methods in ideological education, significant achievements in project research and first-class awards in science and technology competition, and has many valuable experiences to learn. Both sides reached a preliminary agreement on further in-depth substantive cooperation.

Finally, Dong Xiaoqiang presented a model of Yingxian wooden pagoda structure to Shipbuilding College on behalf of our college.

In 2017, the civil engineering major of Shanghai Jiaotong University was listed in the national "double first-class" discipline construction list, and ranked B + in the fourth round of discipline evaluation. In 2010, it was one of the first batch of pilot units of the Ministry of education's "excellent engineer education and training plan". In 2008, it was rated as a national characteristic specialty, and passed the professional evaluation of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development for four consecutive times.

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